A simple and easy recipe with pantry items for crunchy, golden brown pork chops on the outside. Yet on the inside they are soft, tender, and moist. Ready...
This recipe has been a family favorite for 30 years! I learned to prepare this from a neighbor who was from Germany, hence the name! My hubby doesn't eat...
This is a one-pot dish that my mother-in-law has made for years. It's very simple and extremely tasty. You could substitute chicken for the pork, or use...
Delicious pork chops the entire family will love. You can use corn flake crumbs instead of bread crumbs, and season the crumbs to your personal taste....
This is a one-pot dish that my mother-in-law has made for years. It's very simple and extremely tasty. You could substitute chicken for the pork, or use...
Delicious pork chops the entire family will love. You can use corn flake crumbs instead of bread crumbs, and season the crumbs to your personal taste....
Pan-fried pork chops with a rich, creamy sauce featuring mushrooms and apples makes a terrific main dish. The sauce is wonderful served over mashed potatoes...
I came up with this recipe as I love maple and mustard. We wanted to add more flavor and not dry out the boneless loin chops. Spice rub marinade, lightly...
My family loves these spicy, fried pork chops. Quick and easy to make! I've used bone-in pork steaks instead, and just increased cooking time per side...
Easy and delicious recipe for balsamic pork chops. The sesame oil adds a different flavor, but can be swapped for olive oil. I've made it many times with...
A savory and semi-sweet dinner dish with avocado and butternut squash dabbled over pork. I do enjoy tossing a bit of wine into the squash water for an...
Seasoned pork loin chops baked with apple cider and Worcestershire sauce and finished with sherry make even the pickiest husband say, 'Wow!' Serve with...
I came up with this recipe as I love maple and mustard. We wanted to add more flavor and not dry out the boneless loin chops. Spice rub marinade, lightly...
This is a one-pot dish that my mother-in-law has made for years. It's very simple and extremely tasty. You could substitute chicken for the pork, or use...
A pan-fried, moist, and tender pork cutlet that will melt in your mouth. Serve with a wedge of lemon and the accompanied dipping sauce and you're in German...
I made these chops for my family and they could not believe I had made the recipe up from the condiments in the fridge. They are spicy, zingy and delicious....
This is a one-pot dish that my mother-in-law has made for years. It's very simple and extremely tasty. You could substitute chicken for the pork, or use...
Delicious pork chops the entire family will love. You can use corn flake crumbs instead of bread crumbs, and season the crumbs to your personal taste....
Delicious pork chops the entire family will love. You can use corn flake crumbs instead of bread crumbs, and season the crumbs to your personal taste....
I made these chops for my family and they could not believe I had made the recipe up from the condiments in the fridge. They are spicy, zingy and delicious....
I made these chops for my family and they could not believe I had made the recipe up from the condiments in the fridge. They are spicy, zingy and delicious....
Pan-fried pork chops with a rich, creamy sauce featuring mushrooms and apples makes a terrific main dish. The sauce is wonderful served over mashed potatoes...
I made these chops for my family and they could not believe I had made the recipe up from the condiments in the fridge. They are spicy, zingy and delicious....
I made these chops for my family and they could not believe I had made the recipe up from the condiments in the fridge. They are spicy, zingy and delicious....
Pork chops with a glossy apple cider glaze is really easy, and while there's no starch or extra butter involved, it reduces quickly to a thick, rich, sweet-tart...
I love pork chops. I love fruit with pork chops. The most common fruit accompaniment for pork is apple, but I wanted to try something a little different....
Since our family went gluten-free I am constantly looking for ways to modify our favorite meals. This one happened by chance but tasted a lot like Kentucky...